Highstreet Hooligans : “Carry On”

On February 1, 2014, in Czech, English lang, Punk, Rock, by admin

Highstreet Hooligans – “Carry On”, Official Music Video, January 2014.

Punk rock from Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic.

Director Name: Pavel Marek

Website: http://bandzone.cz/highstreethooligans
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hshofficial
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqho9LjYLrG56rObEoaSSlA/feed

Highstreet Hooligans

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Muzika Poludelih : ¨Brothers¨

On January 29, 2014, in English lang, HC, Oi, Serbia, by admin

Muzika Poludelih, “Brothers”, from the EP “Brothers” (2013).

Muzika Poludelih is an Oi!/hardcore band from Serbia. Officially formed in 1997, they released their first album “Definicija bolesti” on the now defunct labal ITMM. The first album was in serbian, with later editons containing mostly English. Their second album, ¨My Unity¨, was released in 2002 on the label One Records. The third album is said to exist, under the name Hardcore Force. The Band supports no political ideology, only pure Hardcore Lifestyle!

Muzika Poludelih :

Official site – http://www.freewebs.com/muzikapoludelih/


Muzika Poludelih

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Idol : “All Unreal” / ИДОЛ : “Всё Нереально”.
Video produced by Dmitry R. Ryleev.

Производство: Дмитрий Р. Рылеев.

Группа ИДОЛ:
ВОВА ИДОЛ – Гитара, Вокал
ЖЕНЧЕР – Гитара, бек-вокал
САША S.T.A.L.L.I.N – Бас
Алексей Клеймович, Денис Полищук – Ударные
Георгий JBB Гейст – Звукорежиссёр, техник.

Group IDOL :

VOVA IDOL – Guitar, Vocals
ЖЕНЧЕР – Guitar, backing vocals
SASHA S.T.A.L.L.I.N – Bass
Alexey Клеймович, Denis Polishchuk – Drums
George JBB geist – sound engineer, technician.


Melnitsa, “The Ballad Of Struggle”, official video, January 2014.

Music and lyrics : V. S. Vysotsky.
(c) Navigator Records, 2014. Director S. Dovzhik
Download on iTunes : http://j.mp/1fh77Kq

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Премьера! Мельница – Баллада о борьбе (Official video)

Музыка и слова В. С. Высоцкий.
(c) Navigator Records, 2014. Режиссер С. Довжик
Скачать на iTunes : http://j.mp/1fh77Kq

Ко дню рождения великого поэта, актера и музыканта Владимира Семеновича Высоцкого группа «Мельница» предлагает клип на песню «Баллада о борьбе». Эту композицию коллектив исполнял на премии «Своя колея» в 2013 году в Crocus City Hall и она же вошла в альбом «Ангелофрения». Известно, что съемки проходили в доме Высоцкого на Таганке.


Melnitsa (Мельница, Russian for windmill) is a Russian folk rock band. It was founded in 1999 by Natalia “Hellawes” O’Shea and Alexey “Chus” Sapkov around the remnants of a local folk band ‘Till Eulenspiegel’.

The band fuses Russian, Irish and other North European folk influences with guitar pop/rock. Natalia “Hellawes” O’Shea, the lead singer and primary songwriter, is an academic and a specialist in medieval European languages and cultures by day. Her expertise lends the typically complex fantasy-laden lyrics a degree of authenticity.

For the first several years the band had worked the club and festival circuit, earned a bona fide cult status in the folk-n-fantasy teenage sub-culture and released an acoustic album Doroga Sna (Дорога Сна, The Road of Dream) featuring the underground hit Gorets (Горец, Highlander) set to the Russian translation of Robert Burns’ Highland Harry Back Again.

Luck struck in 2005, when the lead single Nochnaya Kobyla (Ночная Кобыла, Night mare) off their second, more pop-infused album Pereval (Перевал, Mountain Pass) had been sneaked into rotation on Nashe Radio (the name and lyrics of the song are a complex allusion to Mara, a Norse mythical entity that caused nightmares). A grass-roots chart effort by fans propelled the song to No. 1 position in the “Best Of Year” chart, and the band to the small arena circuit (sparsely populated in Russia).

Their latest albums Zov Krovi (Зов Крови, Call of Blood) and Dikiye Travy (Дикие Травы, Wild Grasses, released early 2009) features the same lyrical and melody themes underscored by more rhythm section support from the band.

Melnitsa :



Hladno pivo, “Na ovim prostorima”, rock from Zagreb, Croatia.

Molimo ne kopirati pjesmu i video. Svaka neovlaštena kopija biti će uklonjena.


Video spot za pjesmu koja je, riječima Mile Kekina, ‘nastala u jednom dahu’, režirao je poznati hrvatski redatelj Goran Kulenović Kula, nagrađen Porinom za najbolju režiju video spota upravo za „Politiku” Hladnoga piva davne 2000. godine! Ovo je ujedno i njihov 11. zajednički spot, a ovu već provjerenu suradnju u montaži je finalizirao Slaven Jekauc.
Spot za pjesmu „Na ovim prostorima” priča priču o epskom putovanju malog čovjeka ka još jednoj asocijaciji naroda i narodnosti u kojoj se nada naći sreću i blagostanje.

Hladno Pivo

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