The Vad Vuc, “Sota i Ciapp”, dall’album “Hai in mente un Koala?”. Realizzato al Teatro di Banco, nel Malcantone, tra amici in allegria.
Diretto da Alberto Meroni e montato da Nicolò Tettamanti. Operatore Rodrigo Silva.
Bio (It)
I The Vad Vuc nascono nel dicembre del 2000 ed in poco tempo il loro skauntry irish folk si insinua in ogni angolo del Canton Ticino raccogliendo, fin da subito, uno straordinario consenso di pubblico, che si riassume con i tanti riconoscimenti e premi ricevuti, in quei primi anni, a livello regionale.
L’uscita dell’EP “Murrayfield Pub”, nel 2003, e dell’album d’esordio “Il Monastero dei Folli”, nel 2004, hanno portato i The Vad Vuc a distinguersi nel panorama musicale svizzero fino a conquistare il massimo riconoscimento svizzero per gli artisti emergenti, il Prix Walo, e presentare un loro concerto in diretta televisiva nazionale in occasione della Festa Svizzera, il 1° agosto del 2004, contenuto in “Live in Cevio” (2005).
Bio (Eng)
The Vad Vuc were born in December 2000 and within a short time, their skauntry Irish folk had entangled itself into every corner of Canton Ticino memory, from the outset, they received an extraordinary public consensus, which is summed up with the many prizes and awards received at regional level in those early years.
The release of the “Murrayfield Pub” EP in 2003, and their debut album “The Monastery of Fools” in 2004, distinguished The Vad Vuc in the Swiss music scene, including winning the ultimate Swiss accolade for emerging artists, the Prix Walo, and performing a live concert on national television for the occasion of the Switzerland Festival, on August 1, 2004, and documented in “Live in Cevio” (2005).
The Vad Vuc :
“Il Monastero dei Folli” on iTunes :
Putrefaction, 3-piece Crust band from Dublin, Ireland.
“Dead Streets” is taken from their LP ‘Blood Cult’.
Live footage provided by Lyndsey Putt starring the Dublin/Belfast punx at the Hellcrust road house.
Putrefaction – Blood Cult 12″ LP
Ireland’s Putrefaction come forth with their vinyl debut ‘Blood Cult LP’, After years of steady gigging Putrefaction arise from the depths to unleash the follow up to their ‘Destroyers’ demo released way back in 2007, unleashing a full length LP of absolute ‘Mad Max’ styling crust. Putrefaction barrel down upon you like a crushing ton weight of noise that can only be compared to that of a post apocalyptic crust world, that trundles through the ashes. Gurgling vocals that yield behind a metallic sound of gear changing guitars and galloping D-beating war drums. For fans of Skitsystem, Repulsion, Hellshock and Death Strike. LP mastered by Enormous Door Recordings.
2013 Road-Crusher Tour
Putrefaction :
This 3-song 7″ EP is the newest release from this hard-hitting Oi!/streetpunk band from Brisbane, Australia featuring Barry from Skint on vocals. Like the rest of the current crop of Aussie punk/Oi! bands, Plan Of Attack rock incredibly hard, with obvious influences from their Aussie roots such as AC/DC and Rose Tattoo, so much so that ‘All The Lessons’ is a Rose Tattoo cover song. These are tough yet catchy songs and this is a must have for fans of The 4-Skins, Gundog and Condemned 84.
Co-released by Longshot Music and Rebel Sound Music in the USA and Pug Music in Australia. Available on limited edition ‘beer’ with splatter colour vinyl from Rebel Sound Music.
Plan Of Attack :
Los Resonators, “El Eliminador”, desde el 2013 disco “Apokalipsis”.
Los Re-Sonators son una banda de Punk Rock&Roll de Catalunya, formada per destruir-ho tot, cremen la seva ciutat, 666 contractació.
El Eliminador es un pequeño homenaje en estos duros momentos, a los heroes de la historia, que dieron su vida por la libertad y la justicia social. Devolviendo así un poco de dignidad a la raza Humana.
Los Resonators :