Inspired by Italian horror movies and Impetigo, UMC was born in 2005 with Vito (bass and vox), Fra (guitars) and Piss (drum). At the beginning the band only played Impetigo’s covers but soon they started making own stuff. The first 6 songs composed the first demo out in 2006. At the end of 2007, UMC started the recordings of new stuff which was totally in groovy porn grind style and in early 2008 …the new songs formed the first full length “Pornokult” out on Rotten Roll records. At the beginning of 2009 another release was ready, a sick 7” split with Mixomatosis (spa) out as a coproduction of different labels. Since October ’09 UMC had a new horny drummer, CristiANUS! First release of 2010 is the split cd with Facial Abuse (swe) out on Hecatombe Records. Split cd with TPF (mex) in white digipack limited edition is out on Mierdas Prod in 2011.

Free download :
20-track album split with Ultimo Mondo Cannibale and Teen Pussy Fuckers.

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Guillamino : “Fang Fosc”

On July 15, 2011, in Catalan, Catalunya, Pop, Rock, by admin

Videoclip oficial de la cançó “Fang fosc” de Guillamino, extreta del disc “Fang” (Bankrobber, 2011). Realitzat per David Gutiérrez Camps.


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Dubbemo & Lgprogetto : “Palpapop”

On March 24, 2011, in Dub, Electronic, Italy, by admin

Dubbemo & Lgprogetto : “Palpapop”, 2011

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