La Etnnia : “Vox Populi”

On September 21, 2012, in Colombia, Hip-Hop, Rap, Spanish lang, by admin


Nuevo video clip animado de La Etnnia con su canción Vox Populi del album La Voz de la Calle. Bogotá, Colombia 2012.


La Etnnia, from Bogotá (Colombia), with their new single “Vox Populi”, taken from the album “La Voz de la Calle”.


La Etnnia :

La Etnnia

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Karvoh & Baseh : “Vida HipHop”

On September 20, 2012, in Hip-Hop, Rap, Spain, Spanish lang, by admin

Karvoh & Baseh, “Mi Vida Es Hiphop”, producido por “Baseh”.

Trabajo en conjunto del artista sevillano Karvoh, componente de la formacion “Dementores” con el productor Baseh componente del grupo Versografos (Santiago de Chile).

Descarga el disco completo “Seriedad” de Baseh & Karvoh aquí :

Drigido y editado por Juan Manuel Gonzalez, por cortesia de Decarton Films.

Karvoh and Baseh

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Riot of Violence, “Pink Mist”, from the album “Waiting For Death”.

Directed by Albert Rodriguez & produced by Mediartia
Edited by Ana Von Estorff, Albert Rodriguez & Diego P.A

Riot of Violence

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Redbanner : “Va per tu”

On September 1, 2012, in Catalan, Catalunya, Punk, Rock, by admin


Nou EP : Redbanner ‘Va per tu’ (9-8-12)
Fa mesos que se’n parla d’aquest breu retorn, i ara és una realitat.
Redbanner reapareix, dos anys desprès del seu precipitat adéu al gener de 2012 amb aquesta esperada aparició però, lluny dels escenaris.

El punk rock molinenc torna a sonar en un nou treball d’estudi, el cinquè, i aquest cop en un EP d’Homenatge a un bon amic i company de la banda.

Quatre talls formen ‘Va per tu’, quatre episodis de sentiments, records i ràbia.

El CD estarà disponible el proper 15 d’agost als punts de venda habituals i no habituals.

Radikal Records, agost de 2012


After a two-year absense, Redbanner make a much-anticipated return, but far from the stages.

The punk rock group from Molins de Rei (Catalunya) are working on a new CD, which will be their fifth. This EP is a homage to a good friend and companion of the band.

“Va per tu” is made up of 4 tracks, four episodes of feelings, memories and anger.

The CD is available from August 15th, from all usual outlets.

Radikal Records, August 2012


Redbanner :

Radikal Records :


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Psychopigs : “Enough”

On July 31, 2012, in English lang, Ireland, Poland, Punk, Rock, by admin

New single from Psychopigs “Enough”.
Shot and Edited by Mike Szabat.

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