EINA, “L’Espai comú”, 2014. Politica i rock desde Catalunya.
Video fet per Sabotatge Produccions, Barcelona.
Cròniques d’una ocupació
Avui, 12 d’agost 1988
“Un cos és viu mentre no ha emmudit tots els seus òrgans, mentre no s’ha paralitzat totes les seves funcions i no són aquestes funcions paralitzades que compten, sinó les que encara es troben en actiu i fan possible la recuperació de l’organisme. Catalunya, un cos malalt i que de generació en generació l’espanyolisme ha procurat agreujar per tal d’aprofitar-ne les despulles, té i tindrà sempre pel cap baix un òrgan sa mentre hi hagi independentistes. Són el pols que encara bat.” Manuel de Pedrolo”
Lyrics / Letras
Som el Nord, també som el nostre Sud, Est i Oest.
Tu ets el centre on fer palanca i moure el Món fent contrapès.
Uns s’ho miren i fan veure com si això no anés amb ells,
altres miren com sumar-se a la festa!
Alliberem espai! Prou de precarietat!
Necessitem espai! Educació i sanitat!
Alliberem espai! Mai més hipotecats!
Necessitem espai i llibertat sexual!
Obre’t, relaxa’t i ja pots deixar-te anar.
Allibera’t. Alhora hauràs d’alliberar el teu espai.
Tu ets el centre: deixa que t’ensenyi la llengua i tasta-la.
No hi ha esclaus si no acceptem mai més cadenes!
Alliberem espai! Prou de precarietat!
Necessitem espai! Educació i sanitat!
Alliberem espai! Mai més hipotecats!
Necessitem espai i llibertat sexual!
Alliberem espai! Necessitem espai!
Necessitem espai! Les dones marquen el pas!
Alliberem espai! Pel poble sobirà!
Necessitem espai!
Si t’ho mires des de dintre, veuràs la multitud de gent,
que, ballant al mateix ritme, fan la dansa dels guerrers.
Tots junts sumats, benvinguts els immigrants!
Fem camí amb orgull! Construïm l’espai comú!
Sabotatge Produccions :
Click Click, “Rats In My Bed”, from the Album “Those Nervous Surgeons” (2014).
Click Click is a British electro-industrial music band formed in 1982 by Adrian Smith, and Derek E. Smith, after the end of their previous rock project “Those Nervous Surgeons” (which formed in 1976 with bassist Tim Wilson). When Wilson bought their first synthesizer, (an EDP Wasp), the direction of the group changed so dramatically they renamed themselves.
In 1982, the group acquired guitarist Richard Camp from another band and thus the first experimental synth-rock incarnation of Click Click was born. They cut their first single later that year, but Camp departed over creative issues and formed a blues band.
Influenced by artists such as Brian Eno, Cabaret Voltaire, The Residents and Frank Zappa, and of course Blade Runner, Clive Barker and “mind-expanding” substances, Click Click continued on with other revolving members down a more electronic path until their eventual break up around 1990. Other members included guitarist Jon Morris, who was replaced by Graham Stronach in 1987, and Pete Hosier who remained with the group until the end.
After a 7 year hiatus, Adrian and Derek reformed briefly in 1997 to record Shadowblack on the OffBeat label. The album was more EBM than their earlier work and almost completely instrumental. It was greeted with overall positive reviews within the underground music scene. Due to the member’s volatile relationship however, the band split again in 1998, with no current plans for another reunion.
A Click Click vinyl release was issued on NYC-based Sonic Groove Records in 2004, but it is most like that only Adrian was involved, but that is still unclear. Throughout the 2000s, Adrian has been involved with Paperhouse, a darker ambient soundtrack project. Nothing has been released publicly, aside from a few odd compilation appearances, but at least 4 CD-R releases are known to exist: Bug Sun, Sappho, Frey, and Sammlung. In addition, three Click Click CD-Rs surfaced offering odd unreleased and remixed material: Lung Function, Crushed, and Behind Dark Glasses.
The summer of 2008 brought the news that Click Click’s back catalogue would be available again,[1] this time via various download platforms including iTunes. The material will come in remastered versions and will also include the early catalogue. Lung Function, a compilation of remastered singles, was released on iTunes, Amazon digital service and eMusic in 2008.
Eno • Hyde (Brian Eno and Karl Hyde), “Lilac”, from the album “High Life” available now.
Visual adapted from free interactive iOS app. Download at: http://smarturl.it/enohydeapp
“High Life” is available now from :
iTunes – http://smarturl.it/c0k6gj
Bleep – http://smarturl.it/cjqx30
Amazon – http://smarturl.it/y2sjdf
Enoshop – http://smarturl.it/xixzvt
Underworldlive – http://smarturl.it/1mnyrp
Subscribe to Warp Records,
Manifa, “El Gran Circo del Rock”, videoclip oficial, realizado por JaviHero en 2014.
Canción estraida del tercer disco de Manifa “El Gran circo del Rock” publicado en 2013.
Punk rock desde Bilbao.
Mas info de Manifa:
Facebook: MANIFA Ruido del bueno
Twitter: @manifapunk
Blog oficial: www.manifapunk.blogspot.com
The new single from THE GAKK, an original five-piece punk/ska/reggae outfit from Dundalk, Ireland.
“Giving Me Away” released 01 August 2014.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Jason Varley at Soundwave Studios, Blackrock, Co. Louth, Ireland.
Music & Lyrics by The Gakk.
© The Gakk 2014.
Video filmed and edited by Steve Halpin in The Spirit Store Bar & Live Venue.
Links :