FUCKFX, punk from Germany, with “JuzI”, a 6-track demo available from the band´s Soundcloud site :


FuckFX :


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Fucking The Nation Every Day

“Fucking The Nation Every Day” Vol 2, 22-track compilation album from Punkrockers Radio.


You can’t stop at one! Soon after the first part of “Fucking The Nation Every Day” came out in August 2011, I realized: There’s more to follow. Because first of all, so much positive response came flushing in. Second, I have so much fun getting in touch with bands from all over the world, choosing songs and putting these songs into an order that makes sense to me. Six months, 600 downloads and countless e-mails later part two is finished. Once again, it is a bagful of punk rock that includes a little ska and rockabilly. 22 bands from 12 countries made it onto the compilation, each one proving how vivid the scene still is.


¡Vamos a tomar otro trago!. Poco después de la publicación de la primera recopilación “Fucking The Nation Every Day” en Agosto de 2011 tuve claro que debería publicar más discos. En primer lugar porque recibí muchas reacciones positivas y en segundo lugar porque me encanta contactar con grupos de todo el mundo, elegir canciones y ordenarlas de forma que para mi tengan sentido. Seis meses, 600 downloads e inumerables e-mails más tarde, la segunda recopilación está finalmente hecha. Otra vez he conseguido una mezcla variada de Punk con incursiones hacia el Ska y el Rockabilly. Contamos con 22 grupos de 12 países y cada uno por si mismo demuestra que la escena está más que viva.


Download / descargar : http://ftned.punkrockers-radio.de/vol2

Johnny Mauser : “Unseriös”

On February 17, 2012, in German lang, Germany, Pop, Rap, by admin

Johnny Mauser “Unseriös” feat. Captain Gips.

Release date (single): 03.02.2012
Label (label): Audiolith Records
Labelcode (LC): LC 03266
Komponist (composer): Ulli Sersal
Text-Dichter (writer): Jonathan Sachau, Arne Ihlenfeld
Website des Künstlers (artist webpage): http://www.johnnymauser.com
Regie/Director: Sebastian Egert
Publisher: Audiolith Publishing

Johnny Mauser

Punishable Act, “Daily Hero 2011 – Break Your Silence”, from the album “Unbeakable Spirit – Dogs of Hardcore”. HC from Berlin, Germany.

Download “Unbeakable Spirit – Dogs of Hardcore” from : http://www.punishable-act.de

Punishable Act :

Punishable Act

Punishable Act, “All I Want”, from the album “Unbreakable Spirit – Dogs of Hardcore”, the new full-length album and 8th output from Berlin´s veterans since they started under the flag of “Punishable Act” 18 years ago in 1993. 12 brand new hardcore tracks, honest and straightforward, still full of anger, energy and passion, released October 2011.

“Unbreakable Spirit -Dogs of Hardcore” ist das neueste album und die 8. veröffentlichung von Berlin´s veteranen die vor 18 jahren – 1993, unter der flagge von “Punishable Act” starteten. 12 brandneue hardcore tracks, ehrlich und geradeaus, noch immer voller zorn, energie und leidenschaft.

Vö. Weltweit : 21.10.2011

More info :

Punishable Act