Polar : “Bloodlines”

On December 28, 2014, in English lang, HC, Metal, Rock, UK, by admin

“Bloodlines” is taken from Polar‘s second album “Shadowed By Vultures”, released via In At Deep End Records and Prosthetic Records.
Metal / Rock / Hardcore from Surrey, UK.

Buy “Shadowed By Vultures” from:
UK and Rest Of World: http://goo.gl/SnZAih
North America: http://goo.gl/rShukl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thispolarnoise
Tumblr : http://www.thispolarnoise.tumblr.com
Twitter: @PolarUK
Instagram: PolarUK
Official Merch store: http://www.polaruk.bigcartel.com/

All footage filmed during the summer of 2014.
Directed and Edited by Tom Green.


Laufderzeit, “Подай мне знак” (“Give Me a Sign”). from the 2014 album “Die Grenzen Der Zeit”.
Interpretive film in full 4K.
Industrial metal / gothic metal from St. Peterburg, Russia.


Laufderzeit (German for “the passing of time” ) are a band from St. Petersburg, Russia, founded in September 2012 by guitarist and songwriter Manul’ом, who was later joined by the ex-vocalist of the band Frau Falter, Konstantin Brand.

Their musical style can be described as “Electro Sympho Gothic Metal”. Their German name comes from the influence on the band of gothic metal artists from Germany, such as Megaherz, Unheilig, Crematory and others.

Their first performance took place on January 25, 2014, opening for the cult German band Eisbrecher in the Aurora club, St. Petersburg, after which the group immediately received rave reviews. Following this, the band then supported darkwave band Das Ich in April 2014, as well as performing live at various venues in St. Petersburg, such as the Backstage Club, Waiting Room, MOD club and Stoker.

In April 2014, work was completed on their first studio album, called “Die Grenzen Der Zeit” (“The Limits of Time”). It was released initially in a limited edition and is now available for purchase in electronic form on the portal www.muzicona.com. The album contains 10 songs, among which the audience favorites include “Do it”, “Death Wish” and “Among The Bare Branches”.




Planeta.ru campaign : http://planeta.ru/campaigns/8845

Laufderzeit - Give Me A Sign

KOP : “Som la fúria”

On September 11, 2014, in Catalan, Catalunya, Hardcore Punk, Metal, Rock, by admin

KOP, “Som la fúria”, 2014.

Gràcies a tots els companys i les companyes que desinteressadament han col·laborat en aquest vídeo coral per denunciar totes les injustícies que ens envolten. Sense vosaltres hagués estat impossible, però junts i juntes Som la Fúria.
Diuen que qui no té memòria de derrotes ni de victòries passades tampoc té massa futur… I és que ens volen fer creure que tot està sota control, però nosaltres som dels que pensem que a tot arreu sorgeixen lluites, resistències i rebel·lions. Perquè la llibertat és quan arrenca un dia de vaga general i perquè els nostres somnis no tenen preu. SOM LA FÚRIA!!!!!!

Gracias a todos y a todas las que desinteresadamente han colaborado en este vídeo coral para denunciar todas las injusticias que nos rodean. Sin vosotrxs hubiera sido imposible, pero juntos y juntas Somos la Furia.
Dicen que quien no tiene memoria de derrotas ni de victorias pasadas tampoco tiene demasiado futuro… Y es que nos quieren hacer creer que todo está bajo control, pero nosotros somos de los que pensamos q en todas partes surgen luchas, resistencias y rebeliones. Porque la libertad es cuando empieza un día de huelga general y porque nuestros sueños no tienen precio. SOMOS LA FURIA!!!!!!



Video – Propaganda Pel Fet :

KOP - Som la furia

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Punto De Encaje : “Nada”

On September 3, 2014, in Ecuador, Hardcore Punk, Metal, Spanish lang, by admin

Punto De Encaje, “Nada”. Track taken from the album “Hazlo Tu Mismo”, now available on Bandcamp.
Hardcore punk / metal from Quito, Ecuador.


Punto de Encaje - Nada

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Triptykon, “Aurorae”, taken from the album “Melana Chasmata”. Century Media Records 2014.

The clip is an ominous visualisation of “Aurorae”, one of the most poignant and personal songs on “Melana Chasmata”. It was directed by Philipp Hirsch (who previously collaborated with Triptykon for the group’s highly acclaimed “Shatter” video clip), and filmed in Leipzig, Germany, earlier this year. As it was the case with “Shatter”, the “Aurorae” clip is based on concepts by Hirsch and Triptykon singer/guitarist Tom Gabriel Warrior.

The “Aurorae” clip is to be followed later in 2014 by an EP of the same title, featuring additional unreleased music by the group and released through Century Media Records/Prowling Death Records. Moreover, the end of the year will see Triptykon embark on a major European tour with At The Gates.

As Celtic Frost had once arisen from Hellhammer’s ashes, so arises Triptykon from Celtic Frost’s ashes.

Triptykon :


Video by Philipp Hirsch : http://film-m.de

Century Media Records : http://www.centurymedia.com/
