“Come to Our Show”, a free eBook by blogger and Punk flyer collector Willona Sloan features show flyers from D.C. to the O.C.; as well as Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, New Zealand, France, the U.K., Peru, Colombia and more, dating from 1980 to 2002. The ebook is available for free download from the author´s web site (link below).
“Come To Our Show” es un libro electrónico gratis por el blogger y Punk cartele colector Willona Sloan que mostra carteles desde DC a OC, así como Singapur, Malasia, Sudáfrica, Brasil, México, Nueva Zelanda, Francia, Reino Unido, Perú , Colombia y más, que data desde 1980 hasta 2002. El ebook está disponible para descargar gratuita desde el sitio web del autor (enlace más abajo).
“Come to our show!” they pleaded as they handed out flyers, posted them on telephone poles, wheat-pasted them on walls. Here are the flyers from the world’s most pioneering punk bands including Minor Threat, Fugazi, Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Youth Brigade, Dead Kennedys, Bad Brains, A.R.Z. (Peru), Fun People (Argentina), Leek and the Bouncing Souls (South Africa), Scream, Bikini Kill, Los Crudos, The Nation of Ulysses and many more.
The author, Willona Sloan, describes the book as “the culmination of a project that has been on my mind for more than a decade. I published the personal/punk/feminist fanzine Scorpion from about 1998-2001. Doing the ’zine was an incredible experience for me and was really the start of my career in writing and publishing. Scorpion was my humble contribution to a global conversation about punk rock and social justice. I proclaimed my desire to produce a book of flyers that represented the diversity of the scene that I had grown up in–the scene where I had developed my understanding of my political power, and the value of building communities of compassion.”
“This is my personal collection of flyers, which was built by punks who collected flyers from their local shows and from their friends around the world. They sent me their favorites; I selected from my favorites of their favorites. These are my memories; my friends’ bands, their record labels, their towns, their countries. And so, finally I share them with you because they mean so much to me.”
“Ven a nuestro show!” han imploraron mientras distribuyeron carteles, pegaron en postes de teléfono, les pegado en las paredes. Estos son los carteles de las bandas del mundo del punk más pioneras como Minor Threat, Fugazi, los Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Youth Brigade, Dead Kennedys, Bad Brains, ARZ (Perú), Fun People (Argentina), Leek y la Bouncing Souls (Sudáfrica), Scream, Bikini Kill, Los Crudos, Nation of Ulysses y muchos más.
El autor, Willona Sloan, describe el libro como “la culminación de un proyecto que ha estado en mi mente desde hace más de una década. Publiqué el personal/punk/feminista fanzine Escorpión de alrededor de 1998-2001. Haciendo la revista era una experiencia increíble para mí y era realmente el comienzo de mi carrera en la escritura y publicación. Escorpión era mi humilde contribución a una conversación global sobre el punk rock y la justicia social. He proclamado mis deseo de producir un libro de carteles que representan la diversidad de la escena que yo había crecido en la escena en la que yo había desarrollado mi comprensión de mis poder político, y el valor de la construcción de comunidades de la compasión. ”
“Esta es mi colección personal de carteles, que fue construido por los punks que recogió carteles de sus conciertos locales y de sus amigos de todo el mundo que me ha enviado su lista de favoritos. He seleccionado de mis favoritos de sus favoritos. Estos son mis recuerdos, mis grupos de amigos, sus sellos discográficos, sus ciudades, sus países. Y así, finalmente, las comparto con ustedes porque significan mucho para mí.”
Willona Sloan blog (DC Scorpiongirl) : http://dcscorpiongirl.wordpress.com/
“Come To Our Show” download link (pdf)
Wisdom In Chains, “Chasing the Dragon”, the second video from the album “Everything You Know” on I Scream Records.
This video is produced & directed by Universal Warning Records, filmed by Tim Martinkovitch and edited By Mike Varga. All of the footage was shot between January 2011 & June 2011 at six different venues, across three states and including PA venues: The MCL, The Polish Club, The Note, and Club Reverb.
Wisdom In Chains started a few years ago with members from America and Europe. Maarten, a guitar player from Holland in a band called Daredevil made the call to Richie and Mad Joe who where in Krutch at the time. Maarten had the idea to start an old school band, with heavy punk and oi influences. The three met while Krutch was on tour in Europe. The plans where made and Maarten came to the USA to record. The group released a self entitled CD on Gangstyle Records. Only one show was ever performed by the group due to the extreme distance between the members.
Eventually Maarten, who was a key writer in the band, would convince Richie and Joe to find local members and keep this band going. So they recruited local guitarist Tony Meltdown from a band called The Ninth Plague. Shannon Sparky was brought in on drums, he was also played with Richie and Mad Joe in Out To Win (aka Mushmouth). With Big Show Greg on bass, the new line-up was complete and they started touring, playing street rock with heavy old school HC and OI influences. The band members have played and toured with other bands like Krutch, FCK, The Ninth Plague, Boxcutter (another side project of Mad Joe Black), Out To Win, Feeble and others.
More info :
FOK és una sinergia, una reacció química, un experiment portat a terme per components d’altres grups musicals que és fusionen en aquest projecte. Ingovernables és la carta de presentació, 11 temes al pur estil “Fok’n’roll”. Ingovernables és el disc debut d’un projecte creat per components d’Avalots i Redbanner.
FOK : http://www.fokandroll.blogspot.com/
Radikal Records : http://www.radikalrecords.net
11-track compilation album, “Diffondiamo il Punk in Italia”, by the Italian organisation Punk Rock Disastrous Movement, founded in 2010 by the Melody Poets.
Tracklisting :
01 – Melody Poets – Ti abbiamo vista su You…
02 – Archvile – Barba & Capelli
03 – Nasty Laught – Perfect Boy
04 – GPL – Youth is a Fever
05 – Jerry Moovers – Prendimi (Feat. Paolo ‘Gerson’)
06 – Lace Up – San Francisco Blu
07 – Skater Popes – Where butterflies die
08 – Violent Faces – Drink Beer And Make Mess
09 – MilkSnake – R U Ready
10 – Kick from heaven – But maybe I ask too much
11 – The Pentothals – Una Mucca Volante
Finalmente parte questo progetto interamente organizzato dal Punk Rock Disastrous Movement, Movimento Punk Rock Italiano fondato nel marzo 2010 dai Melody Poets.
Vedrete 11 Band farsi il mazzo nel diffondere la musica Punk in pieno stile Punk Rock, ovvero tanto sudore NO PROFIT e massimo passaparola !!!
Le band si impegneranno nel diffondere la Compilation e soprattutto il Movimento per cercare di FAR DARE più spazio al Punk Rock a livello Nazionale!
Tenete costantemente d’occhio la pagina del Movimento in modo da vedere le FOTO delle Band mentre attaccano Volantini nella loro città e distribuiscono la Compilation durante Concerti e ad amici !!!
Questo per farvi vedere con i vostri occhi che si fa sul serio!
Concretamente con il Movimento cerchiamo di risolvere un problema importante :
Pochissimo spazio in Italia alla musica ed alle Band Punk Rock!
Se anche tu sei stufo di questa MONOTONA SITUAZIONE ITALIANA dove il Punk viene bistrattato e messo da parte,aiutaci a diffondere la Compilation e la pagina del Movimento!
Insieme siamo più forti di qualsiasi Ente che vuole imporci la sua musica e pensiero!