Moscow Death Brigade, “Ghettoblaster”, from the album “Hoods Up” out now on Fire And Flames.
MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE is a hardcore/rap band from Russia, combining hip hop rhymes and beats, punk/metal instrumentals and political/social lyrics.
MDB has become one of the most active Russian antifascist bands, opposing all kinds of discrimination and fascism, organizing and taking part in benefit events and spreading the word of unity.
MDB shows usually attract the representatives of all kinds of subcultures: from punx, skinheads and metalheads to hip hop kids, graffiti writers and football hooligans, demonstrating that all of us are the parts of the same worldwide underground movement, based of friendship, mutual support and freedom.
Moscow Death Brigade :
“Hoods Up” :
Fire And Flames :
Noize MC, “Влиятельные Покровители” (“Influential Patrons”), from the album “Неразбериха” (“Confusion”).
Video by Little Big Productions.
Hip-hop/rock from Moscow.
May 2014.
Noize MC : Concerts : Little Big Production : Съемка/монтаж (Shooting/editing) : Alina of PASOK (
Режиссеры (Director) : Ilya Prosekin ( and Danila Cross (
Продюсер (Producer) : Evgeny Bragin (
TruthSeekah, “Mystic Mind”, from the album “Spiritual Alchemy”.
Esoteric / Spiritual Hip Hop.
“Alchemy is the transmutation of base metals such as lead and copper and transforming them into gold. Spiritual Alchemy on the other hand is the concept where you take all of the trials and tribulations and all of the negativity that we face in life and use them as a stepping stool in the process of our spiritual awakening. Spiritual Alchemy is presented as an analogy for personal transmutation, purification, and perfection. Spiritual Alchemy is said to be some of TruthSeekahs best work to date. Although released 1 year apart this album acts as a continuation of TruthSeekahs Awaken The Fire album, TruthSeekah not only takes it a step further lyrically but also content wise TruthSeekah takes you a little further into some of the deeper esoteric ideas that are rarely discussed in the confines of organized religion”.
Twitter: @TruthSeekah
Pablo Hasél, “Referentes”, feb 2014.
Pablo Hasél :él