Derkovbois, “Szabotázs!”, 10-track album now available on Bandcamp.
Oi!/streetpunk from Szombathely, Hungary.

Derkovbois was born in the Derkovits district in Szombathely [HUN] city in summer of 2002. They are with the spirit of the local movement Savaria Colonia and respect of the D.I.Y. ethic. Streetpunk music with rock ’n’ roll and with the taste of real Oi!


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Boris Grebenshikov : “If I Leave”

On September 16, 2014, in Rock, Russia, Russian lang, by admin

Борис Гребенщиков, “Если Я Уйду” / Boris Grebenshikov, “If I Leave”.

Recorded in London in the summer of 2014.
Musicians Boris Grebenschikov, Alexander Titov, Paul Stacey, Jeremy Stacey.

Filmed in St. Petersburg in August 2014.
Director – Michael Surotdinov
Camera and light – Ilya Trifonov, Alexander High
Coordination and drum – Alexey Ipatova
Idea – Boris Grebenschikov

BG :

Boris Grebenshikov

KOP : “Som la fúria”

On September 11, 2014, in Catalan, Catalunya, Hardcore Punk, Metal, Rock, by admin

KOP, “Som la fúria”, 2014.

Gràcies a tots els companys i les companyes que desinteressadament han col·laborat en aquest vídeo coral per denunciar totes les injustícies que ens envolten. Sense vosaltres hagués estat impossible, però junts i juntes Som la Fúria.
Diuen que qui no té memòria de derrotes ni de victòries passades tampoc té massa futur… I és que ens volen fer creure que tot està sota control, però nosaltres som dels que pensem que a tot arreu sorgeixen lluites, resistències i rebel·lions. Perquè la llibertat és quan arrenca un dia de vaga general i perquè els nostres somnis no tenen preu. SOM LA FÚRIA!!!!!!

Gracias a todos y a todas las que desinteresadamente han colaborado en este vídeo coral para denunciar todas las injusticias que nos rodean. Sin vosotrxs hubiera sido imposible, pero juntos y juntas Somos la Furia.
Dicen que quien no tiene memoria de derrotas ni de victorias pasadas tampoco tiene demasiado futuro… Y es que nos quieren hacer creer que todo está bajo control, pero nosotros somos de los que pensamos q en todas partes surgen luchas, resistencias y rebeliones. Porque la libertad es cuando empieza un día de huelga general y porque nuestros sueños no tienen precio. SOMOS LA FURIA!!!!!!


Video – Propaganda Pel Fet :

KOP - Som la furia

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BRUTTO : “Underdog”

On September 10, 2014, in Belarus, English lang, Rock, Russian lang, by admin

BRUTTO, “Underdog”.

The video features the Belarusian athletes Vitaly Gurkov (honored master of sports, champion of the world, in Muay Thai and kickboxing) and Sergey Zimin (European champion in Boxing among professionals under version WBO, Intercontinental champion WBO).
Malamoute Prodiction –

Director – Dzmitry Kazlouski / TOPOR
DOP – Syarhey Ahryska
Producer – Dzmitry Kazlouski / TOPOR, Tserakh Vadzim
Edit – Igor Kuzavka

BRUTTO - Underdog

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69FM : “Cuba”

On September 9, 2014, in English lang, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Russia, by admin


The Moscow band ‘69FM – The Radio of Total Trust’ has a history of just a brief while and doesn’t bother about its stylistic identity. This year the guys released their first CD, which allocate this review, among others:

“Flores?’ release is a universal nutrition for any musical dietetics, whose exclusivity is based on its specific atmosphere; moreover, the album contains a very rare phenomenon for the modern structure of tracks, with a verse-chorus and a couple of passes among the 10 tracks as a bonus. While listening to the 69FM latest album you start to visualize certain images: the composition literally leads you down the Cuban noisy streets of Havana, then moves you into the Friday in Haifa or the rainy Monday in a port of Marseilles. You can write more and more, but it’s better just to listen. Try not to draw conclusions after each track, but perceive an overall experience. It’s like a dinner at a luxury restaurant in contrast with a homemade feast – you cannot leave without a dessert!”

69FM 69FM

The band itself characterizes its creations in a certain way: “A new release by the rootless cosmopolitans, sensei of all styles and genres, neophytes in the eternity and life-long passionaries. While listening to this music Tsar Ivan the Terrible was cleaning the fish and cut his finger. The moral is so that this music is for the kindhearted! Thank you!”

Members :

Сергей “Перец” Терехов / Sergey “Pepper” Terekhov
Василий “Basile” Мальцев / Basil “Basile” Maltsev
Ярослав “Яша” Пастухов / Yaroslav “Yasha” Shepherds
Андрей “Бэрримор” Кузьмин / Andrew “Barrymore” Kuzmin



The album “Flores” (“Радио Абсолютного Доверия”) is available from the following links :

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