SoundCloud Has 10 Million Registered Users

SoundCloudSoundCloud announced today that it has reached 10 million registered users, a press release said. Since January 2011, the company has earned seven million users.

To celebrate the milestone, SoundCloud co-founders Alexander Ljung and Eric Wahlforss launched a new feature today called “Story Wheel,” which “allows anyone to record their own narrative around a series of images to tell a personal story.”

The service provider launched in October 2008, and 5 million apps have been launched since its inception.

When Eric (Wahlforss) and I started SoundCloud, we had the vision of enabling people to create and share sound more easily and collaboratively,” Ljung said in a statement. “Today 10 million people are recognizing that vision and it makes us extremely proud and encouraged that people are supporting our mission to unmute the web.”

You can take a look at the video for SoundCloud’s Story Wheel here.